Learning helpful strategies and tips to manage your mental fitness or support you when you’re finding things tough is a great place to start. You can use the ‘Filter by Topic’ button below to select a specific topic you want to focus on, otherwise just scroll down to see the different strategies and tips for all the topics you’ll find on this site. 

Spend Time With Supports

This could be teammates, family, workmates or trusted friends. Let them know how you’re feeling and plan some catch-ups or fun activities.

Using Journaling & Visualisation

Writing down how you’re feeling each day and visualising yourself back training and playing can be a powerful aspect of recovery and keep you focused on the end goal.  

Setting Short-Term Goals

Just the same as setting goals for fitness or training, setting recovery goals that are realistic and achievable will help you to acknowledge your progress as you recover.


Staying Involved

Staying involved with your team and teammates can be a big help with how you feel during your recovery. This could mean attending trainings and meetings and helping out.



Make A Safety Plan

Having a written plan for times when you feel unsafe can be really helpful. These should be simple, clear steps you can follow as well as emergency numbers you can contact if you feel at risk of hurting yourself.

Create A Distraction Box

Fill it with things that help comfort you and remind you of things you enjoy e.g. photos, music, a favourite book or movie.

Remind Yourself

It can be helpful to remind yourself of things that have helped you in the past e.g. reaching out to a friend, not being alone, speaking to a professional, following a safety plan.

Keep Yourself Safe

If you’re feeling at risk of hurting yourself it’s important to talk to someone straight away and move to an environment where you feel safe.