Learning helpful strategies and tips to manage your mental fitness or support you when you’re finding things tough is a great place to start. You can use the ‘Filter by Topic’ button below to select a specific topic you want to focus on, otherwise just scroll down to see the different strategies and tips for all the topics you’ll find on this site. 

Limit Your Worry Time

Sometimes worry can impact our daily lives and stop us doing things the way we want. Write down any worries that come up during the day and give yourself a time (20-30 minutes per day) where you are allowed to address these worries. 

Get Exercising

Exercise is a great way to relieve tension often felt by people experiencing anxiety, as well as get rid of excess adrenalin built up in the body. Trainings and games are great. Swimming and walking are good options too.

Try Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a skill that focuses on being able to acknowledge your worries then redirect yourself back to the here and now. There are some great mindfulness apps available that can help you to relax. 

Make A Plan

Sometimes anxiety can be a normal reaction to putting things off e.g. not paying bills or meeting deadlines. Make a list of the things you need to do, prioritise them and use a diary to plan when you’ll get them done. The small things can wait.

Try And Keep Busy

Outside of training and game times try and use your time to do something, like exploring the new city, spending time with teammates, reading or something else you enjoy. 

Take Some Mementos With You

This might be photos on your phone or just something small that you can take with you that reminds you of home.

Stick To Your Routine

If you’re travelling far you may have jet lag to contend with but try and re-establish your normal bedtimes, eating schedule and other routines as soon as you can.

Talk About It

Chat to a teammate, coach or support person. Finding travel challenging is very common so chances are they’ve experienced it before too.